Sunday, July 26, 2009

Almost at 4 months now!!

It has been crazy out here. #1, I am sorry for not keeping in touch lately, but it's hard out here! We start work at 6:30 and work til around 5 or 6 at night. Then we eat dinner with the other interns and before you know it, it's 9 and time for bed! One of my 2 days off, I work at another internship in Point Reyes (for Marin Organic). So in short, my life is a little insane right now, but I LOVE IT!!

Whats new at the farm? Well, summer crops are starting to come in! We have been bombarded my summer squash for a couple of weeks now and the cucumbers are starting to go crazy too!!!Our lettuces, broccoli and basil are all doing great. Our 10,000 tomato plants have been stacked and now have blossoms. They should be ripe in September. We got our first eggplants and peppers coming on in one of the farm hoop houses!! The strawberries have slowed down a little due to the heat, but they still taste way better than anything you could get at a store. The corn I planted 2 months ago is about 10 feet tall but has no flowers yet. We have started sowing some winter crops already: winter squash and pumpkins.

Brian and I are starting work on a greenhouse that will be 17x60 feet. We hope to finish it soon so we can start some of our winter crops in there before it's to late. We started drilling the holes for it yesterday which reminded me a lot of my old line of work :). I am sorry to say, but I don't really miss the work (just the people). I think this is generally how Brian and I both feel! We are both looking forward to having our own farm some day in the future (and are a little scared too). We really enjoy our jobs and feel like we completed something at the end of the day. It makes for a lot of hard work, but it's so rewarding.

We are still learning a lot out here about tractor driving, sales, plant varieties and learning to deal with what nature gives you! We have been trying to get into town a little more lately. We have been dancing with the crew, went to a baseball game with almost everyone from the farm, had a fiesta at the farm, and are enjoying local microbreweries! We have started brewing out second batch of beer,a porter and are looking forward to drinking it. Hopefully it will be ready to go before we go up to Oregon in 2 weeks!! We are really looking forward to this trip home and we also hope to go visit some farms along with some friends!!

Anyway, hope you are all doing well. We will get some pictures up some century :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the blog post! I'm glad to hear you guys are so happy doing it, it sounds intense but very rewarding.
