Tuesday, April 7, 2009

First week on the farm

We moved in to the yurt last Wednesday, and so far our time on the farm has been great. While small, we are able to accommodate pretty much all of our essentials within the 12-foot diameter living space. Never thought that would be possible. Our 6 x 8 x 10 foot (off-site) storage unit is packed to the gills, however.

In our first week we became familiar with the layout of the fields, and on a 27-acre farm that means a lot of walking! Several days we took part harvesting with the crew, most of whom are from Oaxaca, Mexico, and are all very genuine, kind people. Brian rode along with the delivery truck one morning and made 17 stops to various restaurants and distributors. We sold our goods at several farmers markets and generally began to learn the daily and weekly flow of the farm. We are heading towards the very busiest time of the year, where we will be growing tons of lettuces, strawberries and tomatoes - the most popular items by far. Weekly, the farm will sell at 8 farmers markets in the bay area in addition to the regular sales to restaurants and wholesalers.

There is a huge amount for us to learn but everyone seems to be quite helpful and we are eager to experience as much as we can in the next 10 months. The lifestyle adjustment has been very pleasurable so far but we know that there is much work to be done, particularly once we get in to Summer! Some mornings we are up well before the sun, but the rewards of having zero commute time and the beautiful surroundings are immense.

Pictures coming soon!

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